Caregiving hurts

You know what's just incredibly painful? Watching dementia's progression in a previously strong, incredibly independent person. You go with them to a doctor's visit. They answer the doctor. Say everything's fine. But then you shake your head and say, "Remember this happened last week. And something else happened a couple of weeks ago." It's not…

I’m Going to a Workshop

I've been attending a caregiving workshop - Powerful Tools for Caregivers.  It's run by the local Agency on Aging.  It's free, which is perfect for my budget.  And it's very practical.  It's all about tools for caregivers (ha! you knew I was going to say that).  There's a chapter on dealing with stress.  A couple…

Adventures in Caregiving

I'm currently a caregiver, not something I ever thought I'd be doing. After spending three and a half years working as a receptionist at a clinic, I was ready to be much less involved in anything requiring a doctor's office.  Instead, I take my grandpa to the majority of his appointments. So I spend a…