Give the Girl a Name, parts 1 & 2

(Trigger warning.  I'm going to be talking about a story from the Bible that involves rape and abuse.) (Since I really like this post, I decided to combine both parts so I can see it all in one place.) There are some stories in the Bible that just make me mad--mostly when people make bad…

Stop and Smell the Roses, Dahlias, too

The day after Labor Day, my hubby and I took some friends to the Point Defiance Park.  We decided to go visit the rose garden.  And they have dahlias there.  And fuchsias. And we spent a couple of hours walking around among all of these amazing blooms. I got to smell a bunch of roses. …

They See Dead People

Last year I picked up the first book the The Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows: My Lady Jane.  I did a short review on it last summer.  You can find that here. I couldn't wait until the next book in the series came out this summer--right in time for the…

I Dream of Fire

When I was 10, we moved into an apartment that had a gas furnace in the floor between the bedroom I shared with my sister and my brother's bedroom.  There was no door.  Just a curtain.  And that furnace made all kinds of noise, especially at night. I don't think I dreamed about fire or…

What Does Wisdom Look Like?

Wisdom. What do you think of when you hear that word? Maybe you think about King Solomon from the Bible and how wise he was.  How got the truth out of two women about the death of a baby.  How he offered to cut the living baby in two. Or you think about some person…

It’s Your Destiny

There was a Star Wars marathon on TV Memorial Day Weekend—the original ones (Episodes IV-VI).  Typically, my Memorial Day Weekend TV watching consists of war movies or John Wayne movies or John Wayne war movies.  I needed a change this year. So, I picked fictional space battles instead of non-fiction earth battles.  Though “The Longest…

Lessons from the (Blackberry) Vine

We have quite the extensive garden here on the farm. In addition to space for the vegetables, we have a large strawberry patch, a large blueberry patch, and so many fruit trees. It's wonderful. But this time of year it's a lot of work. The soil needs to be prepped for planting. Seeds are germinated…

Virtual Writing Camp

Have you ever wanted to write something?  Do you have a story inside of you just bursting, wanting to get out?  Or maybe you're just wanting to write down your family's stories. Sign up for Camp NaNoWriMo.  I've been participating since 2013.  And I've written 35,960 words.  That's just during the April and July camps. …

Random Questions When Reading the Book of Esther

When I read, I'm bound to have questions about some of the things that I'm reading.  That's cool.  I like questions - especially if I can find the answers to them.  Reading the Bible is no different than another book.  Sometimes I'm able to find the answers to those questions.  Other times, I'm not. Esther…

I Have Weird Dreams: Leviticus Edition

No one has ever accused me of having an underactive imagination. And I would have to agree. I chalk it up to all the reading I do. My imagination can be quite entertaining most of the time. It's even created this crazy fantasy world that I'm writing about. So that's pretty awesome. Sometimes, though, it…