Nine days.

I’m going to have surgery in 9 days.

I mean, this cancer thing is still sinking in, but that is going to make it even more real, you know.

I’ve got my pre-op and my post-op instructions.

I’m trying to figure out what in the world I’m going to need help with afterwards.

I realized as I’m doing laundry today that this is probably the second to last time I’m going to be doing laundry for awhile.

They’re going to be removing a lymph node from my armpit area and I won’t be able to do some things with my right arm for awhile.

What else am I not going to be able to do for awhile?

Wash my hair?

Brush my hair?

Definitely can’t walk the dogs.

At least I don’t have many weeds that need pulling in the garden right now.

At least it isn’t harvest time right now.

I’m hoping my dogs will know that I won’t be feeling well and that they can’t jump up on me.

I’m hoping my anxiety won’t get out of control prior to surgery.

I’m also hoping if I get any prescriptions, they won’t make me nauseous.

In an effort to keep my anxiety under control, I’m trying to focus on the what I’m thankful for:

  1. My house
  2. My creatures
  3. All the amazing people who care about me
  4. My plants
  5. The cyst that led to catching this cancer early
  6. Friends who might as well be family
  7. Cooking with kiddos
  8. Crafting with kiddos
  9. Laughter
  10. Songs that make my cry
  11. Tea
  12. Fires in the fire pit
  13. Warm hugs

I don’t know how much I’ll feel like writing as the days go on. We shall have to see.

And here’s the link to the specific page where you can access my GoFundMe and my Caring Bridge site, where I have more detailed information on all my cancer stuff. That’s where I’ll put the technical stuff and I’ll save my personal blog for more of my personal feels and stuff.

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