Looking Back at 2019

2019 was quite the year. I fell and injured my back 3 times. Hubby and I went to Disneyland. We won a new car. I read 175 books. I fostered a mama cat and watched her bring 5 babies into this world. Three of them still live here. We got two puppies. Yes, I do…

Adventures on Twitter

Are you on Twitter? It's not just a place where people argue or live-tweet television shows or political debates. Yes, there are all kinds of annoying people there. But you don't have to follow them. I don't. I've decided that I want to be informed, but I can choose who to listen to and where…

How Does My Garden Grow?

I know you've all been wondering how my garden is doing--especially since I've not posted any pictures of it so far. The very first tomato of the season! A ready-to-eat salad Soon to be producing way more zucchini than we can eat. Marionberries My new favorite color/type of marigold--the strawberry blonde Looking at all of…

My Happy Place

We took an afternoon jaunt to the beach. The guys wanted to fish in the surf. So I walked the beach and I read my book in the truck when I got cold. Then there was hot tea and pad thai for dinner. Books. Beach. Tea. Pad Thai. Good day.

What box?

You know, when you look into starting a blog there are all kinds of websites out there that have advice for how to run your blog. You have to post so many times a week/month. You have to post only about things in your niche.  What is your niche?  You have to decide what your…

Stop and Smell the Roses, Dahlias, too

The day after Labor Day, my hubby and I took some friends to the Point Defiance Park.  We decided to go visit the rose garden.  And they have dahlias there.  And fuchsias. And we spent a couple of hours walking around among all of these amazing blooms. I got to smell a bunch of roses. …

Tea’s My Favorite

I love tea. It all started with the peppermint tea my mom gave me as a baby to calm my tummy. I stuck mainly to herbal tea until I was through college. I made it through college without coffee! That's because caffeine was a thing that we just didn't do.  It was one of those…

The Illuminae Files

I randomly stumbled on this series because they were all available right away on my library's app.  I was hooked.  I couldn't listen to any other books in between.  I got through them as fast as I could. If you like science fiction, this series is for you. If you like reading about impossible odds,…

Helpful Hints for Introverts Going to a Baseball Game

I'm an introvert. I'm a highly sensitive person. I love baseball. And since I currently live only 2 hours from my favorite team, I like to go to a couple of games every year.  And we went yesterday. The fan in me loves it. The introvert in me has a hard time with it. The…